Ever wondered if you're pronouncing a flower's name correctly?
We know that some variety names can be tricky.
Please refer to this list of common mispronunciations for help.
Alabaster - AL-uh-baster
Baronesse - Bare-uh-NESS
Beatrice - BEE-uh-tris
Bessie - BEH-see
Capability - Cape-uh-BILL-ity
Caramel Antike - Care-uh-mel Ann-TEEK
Catalina - Cah-tuh-LEAN-uh
Effie - EFF-ee
Eugenie - Yoo-GEE-knee
Hettie - HEHT-tee
Juliet – Juu-lee-ETTE
Keira - KEAR-uh
Leanora - Lee-uh-NOR-uh
Loli Spr - Low-lee Spray
Mariatheresia - Maria-ter-EE-see-uh
Mayra’s varieties - May-ruhs
Millicent - MILL-uh-cent
Miyabi - Me-YAW-bee
Princess Aiko - Princess Eye-EE-co
Princess Hitomi - Princess Hih-TOE-me
Princess Maya - Princess My-uh
Princess Midori Spr - Princess Mih-DOOR-ee Spray
Princess Miyuki - Princess Me-YOO-kee
Princess Punku Spr - Princess PINK-oo Spray
Purity - PYUR-ih-tee
Romantic Antike - Row-man-tick An-TEEK
Sahara Sensation - Suh-HAIR-uh Sen-SAY-shun
Tsumugi - Suh-MOO-ghee
Vitality – Vai-TAL-ih-tee
Wedding Rosever Spr - Wedding Rose-ever Spray
Westminster Abbey – West-min-stuhr AB-ee
Yves Piaget - Eves Pee-uh-ZHAY
If you need help with a name that's not on the list, please let us know!